Included in this Article:
- Accruals Definition
- Report Summary
- Accessing the Report
- Contents of the Report
- Comparison between V2 and V1
- FAQ on the Changes from V1 to V2 Report
Accruals Definition
An accruals report is a financial document used by a legal ops person to track and manage the expenses that have been incurred but have yet to be billed to a client. These expenses are known as accruals and are recorded in the accruals report.
Report Summary
This enhanced accruals report provides a detailed overview of your accruals within a specific period.
You can refine and personalize the report to analyze specific data and financial details related to your matters, making it a valuable tool for managing your legal finances and operations.
Accessing the Report
The Accruals Report Template is located in the 'Create Report' section of Brightflag's Report Builder.
- Menu > Reports > Report Builder > Create Report
- On the 'Create Report Template' screen, click on Accrual V2
- From here, you can select the relevant fields to include in your report. Use the 'Find a Field' search bar to find a report field for your report. A list of Report Builder fields can be found here: Report Builder Fields Glossary
Contents of the Report
Core Columns: These fields provide essential information about your accruals and matters. They include details like who approved the accrual, details of the matter the accrual relates to such as matter name and reference number, key matter information such as the country, legal entity, and department the matter is related to, and vendor information like vendor name.
Spending Columns:
Accrual Amount | The current period's estimated expenses representing the anticipated costs expected (in the currency selected when the report is run/created). |
Accrual Amount (Matter Currency) | This is the same as the "Accrual Amount," but it's expressed in the currency associated with the specific matter. |
Accrual Amount (Submission Currency) | This is the same as the "Accrual Amount," but it's expressed in the currency chosen for submission |
Accrual Period | The accrual period start date represents the start date of the period for which we are estimating and recording expenses. It defines the timeframe you’re focusing on. |
Customer Currency | The specific currency used for financial transactions. |
Matter Currency | The currency associated with the specific matter. |
Prior Period Unbilled | The estimate of expenses that were not billed in previous accounting periods and is still outstanding (in the currency selected when the report is run/created). |
Prior Period Unbilled (Submission Currency) | The estimate of expenses that were not billed in previous accounting periods and is still outstanding in the currency submitted |
Unbilled Total | The sum of the current period accrual amount + the prior period unbilled (in the currency selected when the report is run/created). |
All Time Spend | The sum of total spend of all time invoices having status Approved, Pending, Ebilling on Hold, Second Draft, Batch Exported, Batch Paid, Awaiting Details, calculated per matter and per vendor (in the currency selected when the report is run/created). |
Pending Spend All Time | The sum of all time invoices having status Pending, calculated per matter per vendor (in the currency selected when the report is run/created). |
Rejected Spend Current Month | Reports on the adjusted gross total of the rejected invoices (in the currency selected when the report is run/created). |
Submission Currency | Shows the ISO code for the currency of the accrual amounts submitted. |
Filters: You can customize the report using filters: Country, Department, Entity, Internal Matter Lead, Law Firm, Matter Category, Matter Name, Matter Ref, Preferred Counsel, and State/Province.
Currency: You can choose one of four currencies (Euro, British Pound, US Dollar, or Australian Dollar) for the currency conversion of monetary values. This conversion is based on the Accrual Submission Date.
Date Columns: These columns contain important date-related information, including when an accrual was last updated, approved, or submitted and when the last invoice was issued for a specific matter.
Date Type: You can select from three date types to filter the data displayed in the report: Accrual Period, Submitted Date, or Approved Date.
Allocations Columns: Allocation fields vary depending on individual customers and are grouped into Allocation Groups. The report details the percentage of spending applicable to these allocation groups and specific allocation fields related to the matter, such as GL code or entity code.
Comparison between V2 and V1
Changes to Field Names:
Field Name |
V2 Report (new) |
V1 Report (previous) |
Matter ID |
Matter ID |
Brightflag Matter ID |
Vendor Name |
Vendor Name |
Vendor |
Current Period Accrual Amount |
Accrual Amount |
Current Period Estimate |
Accrual Comment |
Comment |
Law Firm Accrual Comment |
Approved By |
Approved By |
LF Unbilled Total (Co. User Who Approved) |
Approved Date |
Approved Date |
LF Unbilled Total (Date Co. User Approved) |
Prior Period Unbilled |
Prior Period Unbilled |
Prior Periods Estimate |
Rejected Spend Current Month |
Rejected Spend Current Month |
Rejected Spend from Current Period |
Accrual Amount in Matter Currency |
Accrual Amount in Matter Currency |
New Field* |
Retired Columns:
Accounts Payable Route
Brightflag Firm ID
Brightflag Vendor Office ID
Currency of the Matter's Budget
Current Period Estimate Source - Mapped to Submitted by
Customer Matter ID
Lead Outside Counsel
Lead Outside Counsel Name
Matter Template
Matter Group
Prior Periods Unbilled Source
Vendor ID
Accrual Period Ending Balance
Current Period Estimate
Inv. Posted During Co. Review (Current Month)
Inv. Posted During Co. Review (Prior Months)
Invoice Amounts Sent to AP After Accrual
Invoice Amt Unsent to AP (accrual period FY)
Invoice Amt Unsent to AP (prior FYs)
Invoices on Hold
Pending Spend All Time + Unbilled
Pending Spend from Current Period
Remaining Accrual Balance (Current FY)
Remaining Accrual Balance (Prior FY)
Total Remaining Accrual Balance (Prior FY + Current FY)
Last Invoice End Date
Last Invoice Posted Date
Note: All other fields remain the same*
FAQ on the Changes from V1 to V2 Report
Your finance team will need to be notified of changes in the Version 2 report to ensure they can update their analysis of legal accruals data accordingly.
What are the effects of the Field updates?
Field name changes: Integration systems programmed to extract data using V1 field names must be updated to recognize the updated field names in the V2 report.
Retired Fields: Integration systems relying on these fields for data extraction or processing will not locate them in the new report.
New Fields: If these fields are added to your accrual report, integration systems should be updated to account for them.
Custom Scripting: Integrations involving custom scripting or queries referencing specific V1 field names or data structures may require updates to align with the new V2 report format.
Is this new report available in the Reporting API?
For V2, there have been modifications. Therefore, integrations relying on APIs to interact with the Brightflag reporting system might need modifications to the integration code to accommodate these changes during the transition from V1 to V2.
It's important to note that there were no changes in the Brightflag Reporting API endpoints for V1; they remain the same.