Savings Analysis By Firm Report Savings Analysis By Firm Report

Savings Analysis By Firm Report

The "Savings Analysis By Firm" report displays a collated view of the savings identified from each firm and broken down by their individual flags.


1. Navigate to the report page within the main app: Reports > Savings analysis by firm


2. To begin customize the 'Date Range' associated with this report to refine your search. Using the date picker select two relevant dates to define the comparison period:

3. You can change the 'Invoice Status' drop-down box to filter between the different invoice status'. This can be particularly useful if you wish to see the associated savings related to 'Second Draft' invoices:

4. Use the 'Update Filter' button to apply the filters set previously to the data:

5. Once your report is returned use the 'Firm' selection box to view individual firms or compare specific firms (Use Ctrl + Click to select multiple). Your output will be displayed below: