Brightflag’s PDF Check tool compares and validates the data entered into our system against the submitted PDF while flagging any possible discrepancies, such as an incorrect invoice number or invoice fee details.
What does it check
All PDF invoices are subject to the check, as well as any PDFs attached to LEDES invoices. The following fields can be configured to check for:
Invoice number
Po Number
Matter reference
Gross Total
Net Fees Total
Please see our article for further details of these checks here.
How does it work
The system scans the text of all PDFs uploaded to the system. This includes some basic style info like position and size on the page.
It then matches the data on the PDF to the data entered in Brightflag.
How can the PDF check tool lead to savings?
When an issue has been detected with a submitted PDF invoice, Brightflag can produce several flags that indicate the error, such as PDF Validation Error, Invoice Previously Received and Duplicate Invoice Submitted.
This can help to produce time and efficiency savings for our clients by ensuring that only accurate data is supplied and recorded on our system, preventing duplication of spend and increasing integrity in reporting.
What if the submission is a LEDES Submission?
You can require PDFs alongside all LEDES submissions through customer settings, and the PDF check will apply to all submission types. This means the total on the PDF will be validated against the total listed in the LEDES data and discrepancies flagged.
How do I enable it?
Speak to your dedicated Customer Success Manager about enabling Brightflag's new PDF Check.