How to Record Accruals for a Vendor How to Record Accruals for a Vendor

How to Record Accruals for a Vendor

If a vendor misses the accrual deadline and cannot submit their accruals, Admins can manually add the accruals on their behalf in Brightflag. This is only possible if the "Editing After the Cut-off" option is enabled in your Accrual settings.

✅ Steps to Manually Record Vendor Accruals

1️⃣ Go to: Menu > Financial Management > Review Accruals

2️⃣ Filter by Vendor & Accrual Period. Click"Apply Filters" to display results.

3️⃣ Toggle to "NOT SUBMITTED" to filter vendors who missed the deadline.

4️⃣ In the "Add Amount" field, input the missed accrual amount as confirmed by the vendor.

5️⃣ Click the ✅ checkmark icon to save the entry.

📌 Important Notes

  • Only Admin Users can complete this action.
  • Ensure the vendor has confirmed the accrual amount before submitting.
  • The "Editing After the Cut-off" setting must be enabled for this option to be available.