Brightflag allows for a Matter Template to be applied against any Matter. A Matter Template can only be created by a Client Admin role (your company'sBrightflag system admin), however, you can add or remove a Matter Template from one of your Matters at any time.
For more details on who can view, access, and edit Matter Templates, please visit this guide: Matter Templates Explained
A Matter Template may be used to group Matter fields together if several fields are only relevant to particular Matters.
Using a Matter Template, rather than adding large numbers of custom Matter fields, allows you to reduce the clutter on the matter details page and on the Matter Form.
For example, if you have matter fields that are only relevant to litigation matters, you can make a template called Litigation. Then you can create custom fields for this template.
Who chooses the template on the matter?
You or your vendors can select a template when creating/requesting a matter. Values for these fields can then be entered by internal users on the matter details tab of the matter overview page.
To create a Matter Template:
- Navigate to Menu > Admin Settings > Matter Settings
- Scroll down until you see the section heading Matter Templates
Click Create Matter Template and enter a Name for the template and click Create
To add Matter Fields to your template:
- Click on the ↓ (down arrow) beside the relevant template
Click on Add Field To [template name] to add multiple fields.
- Enter the field name and choose a data type.
For more details on who can view, access, and edit Matter Templates, please visit this guide: Matter Templates Explained