As an invoice reviewer, Brightflag's Invoices page is your to-do list. You can also use this page to find invoices you have access to.
How To Find an Invoice
The filters on the invoice review page are default set to show All Invoice Statuses. Review our article here on changing these search parameters.
- Navigate to Menu > Invoice Management > Invoices
Use the filters:
- The filters are set to show you all invoices. You can change this to show all invoices awaiting your review by clicking the awaiting my review button.
Set any additional filters required. For example, use the Vendor dropdown to filter invoices from a particular vendor (law firm).
- The filters are set to show you all invoices. You can change this to show all invoices awaiting your review by clicking the awaiting my review button.
- Use the filters to enter an invoice number or matter name.
Click APPLY FILTERS after you have set the filters or entered a value in the search bar.
- Click Clear Filters if you want to start over.
- Click Clear Filters if you want to start over.
- Finally, when you have found the desired invoice, click on the invoice number to access the Invoice Analysis page of that invoice. The invoice analysis page is where you will review your invoices.
If you would prefer to download the information, you can extract it to excel with the "Export" option on the right side of the screen:
If your invoice cannot be located through these steps, please review our article here for further assistance.
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