Timekeepers compared to Vendor Users - FAQ Timekeepers compared to Vendor Users - FAQ

Timekeepers compared to Vendor Users - FAQ



  • Timekeeper rates are the agreed rates you have set with your vendors for your work together. Timekeepers are the legal workers who have contributed time to a particular matter and are listed on the itemized invoices as a result. 
  • Can I add timekeeper rates on my own?
  • Can an invoice be submitted without timekeeper rates approved in the system?
    • Yes, but this is not best practice! You are entitled to this information from your vendors, and having agreed upon approved timekeeper rates is essential for cost control!
  • Once a timekeeper rate (or rate increase) is submitted by your vendors, you can approve or reject it before it takes effect as the approved rate: ​​Reviewing New Timekeeper Rate Requests: for Brightflag Customers
    • If a rate is still pending when an invoice that includes that timekeeper is set live, that timekeeper will be flagged (either with the “new timekeeper” or “timekeeper rate increase” flag). This flag will not go away if the timekeeper rate is approved before the invoice is approved, as the flags are set when the invoice is set live. Subsequent invoices will not be flagged if the approved rate matches the rate on the invoice.


Vendor Users

  • Vendor users can access the Brightflag Vendor Portal, where they can submit invoices, matter requests, matter budget requests*, timekeeper rates, and accruals* (*if your company has these enabled).
  • There are 3 permission levels for Vendor users: Overview of Brightflag Vendor User Roles & Permissions
    • Standard
    • Office Admin
    • Vendor Admin
  • Vendor Admins can add other users for their organization including other Vendor Admins! Feel Free to encourage them to manage this on your behalf: How to Add a Colleague to Brightflag
    • Vendors can be added to matters in a few different ways:
      • Adding Vendors, Vendor Offices & Vendor Users to a Matter: For Brightflag Customers
      • Adding a Lead Outside Counsel: To add a Lead Outside Counsel to a matter, that person must be a vendor user. They do not need to have activated their account, but they must have an appropriate permission level to be assigned as the LOC for that matter.
      • Be careful to add the appropriate office or vendor user on the vendor tab of the matter. If the LOC is an Ordinary user, they cannot be added as the LOC on the matter unless they have explicitly been added to that Matter!