Dynamic Hierarchical Approval & Fallback Reviewer Dynamic Hierarchical Approval & Fallback Reviewer

Dynamic Hierarchical Approval & Fallback Reviewer

How it works:

Your company may have thresholds and rules around who has authority to give final approval on an invoice depending on the $ amount on the invoice.

For example, consider an invoice that has a one-stage invoice approval workflow with John Smith as the reviewer. 

  • The invoice is $1,000, but John Smith has an approval limit of $90. 
  • Therefore, John’s supervisor Jane Doe is added to stage 2 of the invoice.
  • However, Jane Doe has an approval limit of $200, so Jane’s supervisor Kate Murphy is added to stage 3 of the invoice.
  • Kate has an approval limit of $2,000.

These rules are only applied if the stage on the workflow is a dynamic hierarchical approval stage. If you have multiple DHA seed stages on the invoice, it will add the approval chains in order, i.e. all users from the first approval chain are added to their respective stages, and then subsequent stages are added for the next approval chain.

Setting user thresholds and supervisors

  • Choose a supervisor for the user
  • Enter an approval limit for the user
    • You can only select limits from a pre-defined list. Contact Brightflag Support to add more options to this list.
  • Choose a supervisor for each user
  • Ensure the supervisor’s approval limit is higher than their direct report’s limit

Configuring the DHA stage and fallback reviewer

  1. Add a stage to a workflow
  2. Select the stage type Dynamic Hierarchical Approval
  3. Select the reviewer type
  4. Select a fallback reviewer
    1. The Fallback Reviewer designation is a safeguard and would only be added if a dynamically added manager/user is unavailable.
      1. Examples of when the Fallback Reviewer would be added include:
        1. A user has no threshold set at all
        2. A user has a threshold but no supervisor set