Adding/Editing Custom Matter Fields Adding/Editing Custom Matter Fields

Adding/Editing Custom Matter Fields

Outside of the standard Brightflag matter fields, you may want to track other matter-level information. In this case, you can create a custom matter field. You can customize the parameters and source of input for this field to your liking.


To add a custom matter field:

  1. Navigate to Menu > Admin Settings > Matter Settings.

  2. Click on Create Custom Field.
  3. Enter the field name and data type. The data type controls how data can be inputted to that field.

Note: character Size Limit 8500

Now that the field is created, you can choose who can access it: Controlling the Accessibility to Matter Fields.


To edit a custom matter field:

1. Navigate to Menu > Admin Settings > Matter Settings.


2. Click on the custom field you want to edit.

3. A pop-up will appear where you can make the necessary edits. Note: it's currently not possible to change the Data Type on existing fields.