Controlling Accessibility to Matter Fields Controlling Accessibility to Matter Fields

Controlling Accessibility to Matter Fields

Whether it be a standard matter field or a custom matter field, the visibility and source of information input for these fields may vary depending on the subject matter. As an administrator, you can control what your vendors see on the Law Firm Portal and whether they have the ability to enter values for that field.

You can control if a matter field is:

  • Enabled / disabled

  • Present & required on the matter form

  • Present & required on the matter request form

  • Visible on the Law Firm Portal

  • Editable on the Law Firm Portal

All field configuration is completed at Menu > Admin Settings > Matter Settings

To disable a field:

  1. Navigate to the Custom Fields tab.

  2. Untick the Enabled box beside the relevant field.

To make a field visible in matter management of the Law Firm Portal:

  1. Navigate to the Custom Fields tab.

  2. Tick the Visible on Law Firm Portal box beside the relevant field.
    • If the field is marked as Active on the Matter Request form or Matter Form, but marked as Invisible on the Custom Fields tab, the vendor will still see the field on the Matter Request form or Matter Form. However, they will not be able to view the field after the matter has been created/requested.

To make a field editable on the Law Firm Portal:

  1. Navigate to the Custom Fields tab.

  2. Tick the Editable on Law Firm Portal box beside the relevant field. This will allow the vendor to change the value of this field for any given matter at any time.

To make the field required and/or active on the matter form:

  1. Navigate to the Matter Form tab.

  2. Tick the Active box beside the relevant field.

  3. If relevant, tick the Required box beside the relevant field. This means the matter can't be created until a value is entered for this field.
    • If Matter Request is active for your vendors, any changes made to the matter form will not affect your vendors. It will only affect matters created by your internal users.

To make the field required and/or active on the matter request form:

  1. Navigate to the Matter Request tab.

  2. Tick the Active box beside the relevant field.

  3. If relevant, tick the Required box beside the relevant field. This means the matter can't be created until a value is entered for this field.
    • Matter Requests can only be submitted by vendors (if this feature is enabled on your instance). Any changes made to the Matter Request form will not affect your internal users. It will only affect vendors when they submit a matter request.