How to Schedule a Report How to Schedule a Report

How to Schedule a Report


  1. Navigate to Menu > Reports > Report Scheduler - If you've already built a report in the Report Builder, please proceed to Step 5 of this guide. Please note that APX (AP Export) reports do not need to be built via the Report Builder. APX reports will automatically show in Step 5 if your company has AP Exports enabled and an existing schedule for the respective AP Route doesn't exist yet.

  2. In a new tab, Navigate to Menu > Reports > Report Builder. This will take you to the Report Builder page, where you can either build a new report or check previously saved reports. You can search for a Report based Report Name, Report Type, or Creator of the Report.


  3. Locate the report you want to schedule, and click on the Three Horizontal dots on the right-hand side.


  4. Select Schedule, and you will be taken to Report Scheduler.

  5. Select Report Builder as your report type, then the reports you have saved, or your company's public reports can be chosen from this dropdown.

  6. Select the Export Type from the dropdown.

  7. Click on Select Start Date and Select Start Time to choose when the first occurrence of the report is sent.

  8. Click Select Frequency to choose how often you want the report sent. If the standard frequencies aren't suitable, you can Specify A Custom Frequency (Hours).

  9. If the report is sent via email, enter the email recipients for this report by clicking on Choose Email Recipients. Then click the Add button to confirm the entry. After selecting the first recipient, you can enter additional recipients or CC recipients.
      • The data included in the report will be based on the access level of the scheduler. If you want a colleague only to see data respective to their user role, they must schedule the report themselves.

  10. Alternatively/additionally, you can send the report to an SFTP location. To do this, click on Specify An SFTP Server. Click here to learn more.

Your report is now scheduled. You will see your new report on the right side of your screen under Manage Scheduled Reports.