Invoice Statuses Explained

The invoice status shown in Brightflag informs users of which stage of the approval process an invoice is currently in and what kind of action it is required.


There are 7 possible statuses for an invoice:

  1. On-hold: The invoice has been blocked from review until the accruals review window passes.

  2. Pending: The invoice is awaiting review.

  3. Approved: The invoice has been approved for payment.

  4. Rejected: The invoice has been rejected and will not be paid. A revised draft is typically submitted and linked to this rejected draft.

  5. Batch Exported: (If you use the AP Export or API feature) The invoice was approved and sent to accounts for payment.
    • Vendors: Brightflag does not handle payment of invoices; please refer to your client's payment guidelines or contact your client directly with questions regarding payments.

  6. Paid: Accounts have confirmed the invoice is paid (an invoice may have been paid without this status showing if your company does not update statuses in Brightflag post-payment).
  7. Awaiting details: Depending on your configuration, some scenarios will block the invoice from moving forward until a required change is made. More details on this status can be found here: Configuring Auto Invoice Processing Rules (Awaiting Details)
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