Configuring AP Routes

AP Routes (Accounts Payable Routes) configurations determine the action that will be taken after an invoice is approved or rejected.

The rules for these AP routes can be configured based on four conditions: Department, Entity, Vendor and Currency. You can have multiple AP routes that are ordered by priority.

To configure a new AP Route:

1. Navigate to Menu > Admin Settings > AP Routes.

2. Click Add AP Route. If you have existing routes in place, take note of the order that the new AP route should be placed at.


3. Enter a Route Name and a Route Priority. 

4. AP Routes can utilize a combination of OR and AND logic. This allows you to specify whether all conditions must be satisfied or if any condition can be met for an invoice to be assigned to this AP route. To enforce that all conditions must be met, you can enable the All rules must match setting.

5. Next, click Add Rule. 

6. Choose an option from the dropdown Rule Type. 

7. Select a Value(s) for that condition. 


8. Next, add an Approve Action. This will be the action that will occur if the invoice is approved.

* NOTE: an AP Route cannot have both "Send Accounts approval Email (Fixed)" and "Send Accounts approval Email (Manual)" listed as actions on the same route. Multiple emails may be added to one Approve Action by separating the email addresses by commas.

  • Send Firm Approval Email - A notification email will be sent to the law firm user who uploaded the invoice.
  • Send Accounts Approval Email (Fixed) - A notification email will be sent to the selected email address(es). (Fixed - email addresses cannot be edited on an invoice's final approval pop-up). NOTE: multiple emails may be added to this action by separating the emails with commas.
  • Send Accounts Approval Email (Manual) - A notification email will be sent to the selected email address(es). (Manual - email addresses can be edited on an invoice's final approval pop-up)
  • Batch Export - Approved invoices will be available for AP batch export.
  • Batch API Export - Automatic Batch will run for approved invoices per your API settings. If you plan to use Batch API Export, please contact your Customer Success Manager to confirm your API settings are active and configured correctly.
  • Send Accounts Approval Email (Matter Lead) - A notification email will be sent to the internal matter lead on the invoice's matter.
  • Disable Approval on Adjusted Invoices - This would restrict approving an invoice if a fee adjustment is made.
    • Invoices with fee adjustments must be rejected so your vendor can submit a revised draft.
    • The reduced revised draft can then be approved in full.
    • This is typically a requirement for EMEA and APAC entities, but it can be made active for any entity / AP route.

9. Next, add a Reject Action. This will be the action that will occur if the invoice is rejected.

  • Send Firm Rejection Email - A notification email will be sent to the vendor user who uploaded the invoice.
  • Send Accounts Rejection Email - A notification email will be sent to the selected email address. NOTE: multiple emails may be added to this action by separating the emails with commas.

For any technical assistance, please Submit a Request to the Brightflag Support team.

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