Configuring AP Routes Configuring AP Routes

Configuring AP Routes

AP Routes determine the actions taken after an invoice is approved or rejected. These routes can be customized based on specific conditions such as Department, Entity, Vendor, and Currency. You can configure multiple AP routes and assign them a priority.

Configuring a New AP Route

Follow these steps to create and configure a new AP Route in Brightflag:

1. Navigate to AP Routes Settings

  • Go to Menu > Admin Settings > AP Routes.

2. Add a New AP Route

  1. Click Add AP Route.

    📝 Note: Review the order of existing routes to determine where the new route should be placed.

  2. Enter a Route Name and a Route Priority.

3. Configure Rules for the AP Route

  1. Specify the logic for the route:
    • Use OR logic to match any condition.
    • Use AND logic to enforce that all conditions must be met.
    • Enable the All rules must match setting if all conditions must be satisfied.
  2. Click Add Rule.
  3. Select a Rule Type from the dropdown (e.g., Department, Entity, Vendor, or Currency).
  4. Choose a Value(s) for the selected condition.

4. Define Approve Actions

  1. Click Add Approve Action to configure the action taken if an invoice is approved.
  2. Select from the following options:
Approve Action Description
Send Firm Approval Email Sends a notification email to the law firm user who uploaded the invoice.
Send Accounts Approval Email (Fixed) Sends a notification email to specified email addresses (cannot be edited during final approval).
Send Accounts Approval Email (Manual) Sends a notification email to specified email addresses (editable during final approval).
Batch Export Makes approved invoices available for AP batch export.
Batch API Export Triggers an automatic batch export via API settings. Contact your Customer Success Manager for API configuration.
Send Accounts Approval Email (Matter Lead) Sends a notification email to the internal matter lead on the invoice's matter.
Disable Approval on Adjusted Invoices Restricts approval of invoices with fee adjustments. Vendors must resubmit a corrected invoice.

⚠️ Important: An AP Route cannot include both Send Accounts Approval Email (Fixed) and Send Accounts Approval Email (Manual) as actions.

5. Define Reject Actions

  1. Click Add Reject Action to configure the action taken if an invoice is rejected.
  2. Select from the following options:
Reject Action Description
Send Firm Rejection Email Sends a notification email to the vendor user who uploaded the invoice.
Send Accounts Rejection Email Sends a notification email to specified email addresses. Multiple emails can be added by separating them with commas.

Need Help?

For any technical assistance, or if you want us to double-check your new AP Route, please Submit a Request to the Brightflag Support team.