Allocations allow you to split a matter's charges amongst entities, departments, or any accounting code. You can divide a matter across multiple accounting codes. You can define the parameters of allocations in matter settings.
To Create New Allocation Fields:
- Navigate to Menu > Admin Settings > Allocations
- Click on Create Allocation in the top right corner of your screen.
- Name the allocation (e.g., Cost Center, Entity Code, Department Code, GL code, etc.), add at least one segment, and click Create
- IMPORTANT: If you use the Batch AP Export or Batch API Export actions in any AP Routes and you're setting up your first allocations in Brightflag, please contact Customer Support or your Customer Success Manager to ensure your batch file config is updated to match your AP system's expected mapping.
- You can deactivate an allocation field or segment at any point in time by clicking the toggle switch next to it.
- You can reorder the Allocation Fields by clicking and dragging the bars on the left-hand side. The order you set is how they'll appear on invoices, matters, approval info sent to AP, and reporting
- We can configure your view only to show the Segment name, the AP Code, or both. Just ask your Customer Success Manager or our Support Team!
- You can edit any name by opening that Allocation Field, inputting a new name in the available boxes, and clicking the Save button at the top right-hand corner
Where allocations do not apply to all matters.
- If an allocation field does not apply to all matters or the "Block final invoice approval if no allocations are set" setting is enabled, we recommend configuring a "Not Applicable," or similarly named, Segment as matters require all allocation fields to be populated.