Adding Preferred Counsel Identifiers to your Vendors & Reporting on them Adding Preferred Counsel Identifiers to your Vendors & Reporting on them

Adding Preferred Counsel Identifiers to your Vendors & Reporting on them

As your list of vendors/law firms grows over time, you may want to begin tagging and tracking the spend of your Preferred Counsel. Within Brightflag, you can tag vendors and vendor offices as 'preferred'. When you do this, it will make reporting on and highlighting these vendors easier.


To tag a vendor as Preferred Counsel:

  • Navigate to Menu > Vendors > Vendor Management.

  • Locate the relevant vendor and use the tickbox to select an entire vendor.

  • Alternatively, you can select specific offices of a vendor. On the current page, click on Offices and select the relevant offices from there.

To track Preferred Counsel spend:

  • Explore the preferred counsel tile on the overview dashboard, where you'll get a snapshot of their spend every time you log into Brightflag. To enable the Preferred Counsel tile on the dashboard, please Submit a Request to Brightflag Support.
  • Each of the report builder reports will have a preferred counsel field and filter present.

  • The search/add matters page, invoice search page, and invoice review page will have stars beside the vendor name is if the vendor is preferred.

What if only some offices in a vendor are preferred?

  • If you have identified some, but not all, offices of a vendor as preferred, you will see a star that is empty beside that vendor and the specific offices. You will see no star beside the non-preferred offices.

  • If all offices are preferred, you will see a star that is filled in.