Outside Counsel Coordination Outside Counsel Coordination

Outside Counsel Coordination

Use this solution to track and manage deadlines and organize work products across multiple cases and law firms. See a unified calendar of deadlines with instant access to drafts and issues for review. Organize case records in a pre-set taxonomy.


1  Select and customize  

For each case that you want to track in Brightflag Workspace, create a new workroom from a solution template. When you select New Workroom, you'll see your template choices in the first step.

Note: Solutions for Outside Counsel Coordination are tailored for different types of litigation, such as patent or employment-related cases. Browse or search for the one that works best for your case.

Customize the template by naming it after the case, such as "ABC Corp. v. DEF Corp. Patent Litigation."


2  Invite outside counsel 

After you create the workroom, click Invite People and follow the steps to invite colleagues at your company who are involved in the case. 

Then invite the outside counsel responsible for the case. You can invite them in the Editor role, which is the default. 

Important: Be sure to check the box to confirm that you want them to see the tasks added from the template.

They will be able to invite colleagues from their firm to the workroom, if they are on the same business email domain. 

There is no charge for their use of Brightflag Workspace. When invited, they also will be offered free training and support.

3  Instruct counsel  

Provide counsel with your instructions for maintaining the case in Brightflag Workspace, including:

  • Ask counsel to customize the list of task events relevant to the case.
  • Ask counsel to add Due Dates to each task as they become known, such as the date on which a filing is due.
  • Ask counsel to upload documents or other materials to the appropriate task when it requires your review, approval, or awareness; and to make you a follower of the task, or use the @ symbol to mention you, so that you will receive an email of needed action.
  • As final documents (such as court decisions,  correspondence, or filed pleadings) are generated in the case, ask counsel to file them in the appropriate folders in the Records tab of the workroom. 

4  Monitor from calendar  

Click the calendar icon in the left navigation to see all deadlines in a calendar format. Click on any task to reveal the task pane to see details and any documents requiring review. Comment within the task to communicate with counsel.

Use the filters on the calendar to see due dates by law firm, case, or owner.

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