Valuation Appraisal 409A (Template) Valuation Appraisal 409A (Template)

Valuation Appraisal 409A (Template)

This solution provides a central place to collect and work with company information for your 409A valuation audit, using a checklist, folder set, and chat. Provide secure access to the appraiser, as well as to your colleagues and accountants.


1. Create the workroom from the template

Use this template to create a new Workroom. Modify the workroom title to include the date or other identifier of the event.



Optionally, link a record room.

Fill out the detail for your new workroom:



2. Plan and engage with the appraiser

Engage with the appraiser to complete the engagement letter. Upload it to the Task to keep everything together.

Confirm the timing for the appraisal and assign the Due Date in a Task.

Identify those colleagues who possess necessary information and invite them to the workroom.

Also invite external professionals, such as your accounting firm.

Add them a Follower on Tasks they should track. Make them the owner of information they can provide.


3. Gather and upload the appraisal material

Check off each task as you complete uploading the described material as reference files.

If for any reason the information is not available, state that in a comment.

When the list is complete, let them know in workroom chat.


4. Handle questions in the chat

Keep everything in one place by handling questions and requests in chat.

Use workroom chat to talk to everyone in the workroom.


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