Once your account has been created, you can use and bookmark the access URL based on the client region you are accessing:
US Server: https://us1.ws.brightflag.com/auth
EU Server: https://eu1.ws.brightflag.com/auth
NOTE: If you're the client of a non-Brightflag company, they may have a specific URL for you to use. In this case, the URL may appear as https://CompanyName.joinderapp.com/auth for US users or https://CompanyName.eu.joinderapp.com/auth for EU users.
If you do not yet have an active Workspace account but have been invited to a workroom, you will receive an email notification from the inviting party with the below steps to follow to create your account and gain access to the relevant data:
- Click the "Sign Up" button in the email invitation you received.
- You will be taken to the Brightflag Workspace Account Creation page.
- In here, enter your credentials for you new account. You will need to enter: User Name, Email, Password (make sure it's strong, at least 12 characters long and with special characters included)
- Complete CAPTCHA verification and Click Next
- Brightflag Workspace will then send you an authentication code to the provided email address.
- Enter the authentication code in the space provided.
- Click Next
Note: Brightflag Workspace is highly secure and uses Multi-Factor Authentication to verify the identify of users.
- You can choose to use either a mobile phone number for SMS Authentication OR scan the QR code to use an authentication application (such as Google or Microsoft Authenticator found on their respective app stores)
- Once an option is selected, Brightflag Workspace sends an authentication code to your phone or authentication app.
- Enter authentication code in the space provided.
- Confirm that your credentials and provided information is correct.
- Click Next
- You will now be prompted to log in to the platform with your newly created account upon which you will be redirected either to the "Home" section or the "Workroom" you were invited to.