Publishing a workroom as a template makes it visible to all members of your organization and allows them to create Workroom content much more efficiently. When you create a template, you are making a copy of the workroom that includes all checklist items, the latest version of each workroom file and the workroom folder sections.
To create a template from your Workroom:
In your Workroom, select the Settings tab. (You must be an Administrator to have access to settings.)
Under the Permission Settings column on the far left, select the toggle button next to Published for copying. A warning pop-up will advise that all of the contents of your Workroom will be visible to anyone within the organization.
Once the template creation process is complete, the status under Publish Template will be Published for copying. The template is now available to be cloned when creating a new workroom.
Pro Tip: Invite colleagues to the template allowing them to copy and create new workrooms.