How do I create a Client Data Room? How do I create a Client Data Room?

How do I create a Client Data Room?


Brightflag Workspace allows you to create separate Data Rooms underneath the Main Client workroom. To create a Client Data Room, Select navigate to your main Client Workroom from the Brightflag Workspace Home screen or Search.

Within the Client Workroom, click the Add Related Workroom button at the top right of the page.  

Step 1 - Select Template.  Choose the Start from scratch option.  

Step 2 - Connect Records.  Select Next or Add Details (Records workroom selected by default). 

Step 3 - Add Details.  Enter workroom name. *Required Format* = "Client Name Series A Preferred Stock Financing Data Room". Client Number, Matter Number, Other identifier, Description:  These are optional fields that can be ignored.

Step 4 - Select Records Check box of any folder(s) you want to copy into the new Data Room.

Click at the top right corner of the page and you'll be taken to the new client data room.


Next Step: Click How do I add Files to a Workroom?

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