How do I add details to Client Workroom Info tab? How do I add details to Client Workroom Info tab?

How do I add details to Client Workroom Info tab?

The Info tab in Brightflag Workspace lets you easily add essential details to the Client Workroom.  

(*Note: Info in Brightflag Workspace replaces the Home page in the Dashboard)

To add these details, navigate to your main Client Workroom and click the Info tab

This page includes pre-defined fields organized in sections to capture relevant client information  (just like the Dashboard)

To add or update any sections or fields, click the three-dot icon and select Edit Section.

In edit mode, the section heading, field labels, and field values can all be changed.  Fields can be rearranged by selecting the icon, dragging, and dropping the fields.  A field can be deleted by selecting the icon.

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