Client portal/view
- Places where a budget can be entered
- Matter creation form
- Internal matter request form
- Bulk matter creation spreadsheet
- Bulk matter update
- Budgets tab of the matter overview page
- Bulk vendor budget review page
- Places where budgets are view-only
- Search/add matters page
- Report builder matter spend and all matters reports
- Spend overview dashboard
- Financial budgets
- Invoice analysis page spend vs budget bar
- Invoice analysis page budget overrun flags
- Matter request review page
- Spend vs. Budget report
- Phase selection
- View and select the phase of an invoice on the invoices tab of the matter overview page
Law Firm Portal
- Places where a budget can be entered
- Matter creation form
- Matter request form
- Bulk matter creation spreadsheet
- Bulk matter request spreadsheet
- Bulk budget request page
- Places where budgets are view only
- Search/add matters page
- Matter details tab of the matter overview page
- Top Tip: To make budgets visible to vendors on each Matter, go to Menu > Admin Settings > Matter Settings > Matter Form > on the Budget row, select "Visible on Law Firm Portal"
Enabling this setting will give vendors visibility into the remaining budget for each matter. Vendors see this in the Matter Details page on the Law Firm Portal. - Invoice upload
- PDF choose phase dropdown
- LEDES choose phase dropdown
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