The Legal Service Requests feature helps to centralize the intake, triage requests, and understand the demand for legal services across the business.
Legal ops can define the types of requests that can be submitted, the required and optional fields for each type of request, and which email domains can submit requests, giving structure to legal's engagements with the business.
Who can use the Legal Service Requests feature?
Anyone in the business can use Brightflag's Legal Service Request feature to submit a request to their legal team.
Admins can set up a whitelist of allowed email domains that should be able to use the portal, and end users will be required to verify their email addresses to access this form.
How are Legal Service Requests submitted?
Anyone in the business can submit a form to their legal team for review. The form also includes the ability to add attachments to support the LSR. The review can then approve or reject the LSR.
The Requester (anyone in the business requesting legal services) will visit the Request Portal using the unique URL of their company. An example of this URL is:
US Server (app):
EU Server (enterprise):
- AU Server (aus):
Client Name: This is the display name of your company. Please reach out to the Brightflag Admin at your company for more information.
**Top Tip** The server to use is the same as the URL that you use to log into Brightflag with. If you are unsure which link to use, reach out to your Brightfalg admin.
Where can I find the link to submit a Legal Service Request?
Admins can find the link to submit a Legal Service Request here: Menu > Admin Settings > Legal Request Settings > Form Access
Click on the green copy icon to copy the URL.
How to enable the Legal Service Request feature on Brightflag?
Only Admin users have the relevant permission level to set up and configure Legal Service Requests by navigating to:
- Admin Settings > Legal Service Requests
What form fields can the admin configure:
The below form fields are configurable by admin users only:
Text Fields, Numeric Fields & Date Fields, Drop-down Fields
Large Description Field
File Upload Capability
All Fields can be set as Required or Optional.
Conditional Drop-down / Cascading Drop-downs
Clients can also add their company logo to the LSR form.
How are Legal Service Requests Reviewed?
The admins for Brightflag at your company will log into Brightflag and go to the Legal Service Requests page.
Here they will see all Requests that the company has raised. They can then open the request and review all the information provided. The admins can reject or approve the request at this stage. Important to note that admins do not receive an email notification when a request has been submitted.
If the request is rejected, the rejected reason can be entered, and an email will be sent to the requester, including the reason for rejection.
If approved, the Legal team will convert the request into a matter, the matter will be saved and tracked in Brightflag throughout the matter lifecycle.
Who can view Legal Service Requests that have been submitted?
Only admins have permission to view any legal service requests that have been submitted. It is important to note that admins do not receive an email notification when a new legal service request has been submitted, so admins must check the Legal Request section of the help center regularly.
To view the legal service requests submitted, go to Menu > Legal Requests
How to approve a Legal Service Request.
Only Admins can review Legal Service Requests.
Navigate to Menu > Legal Requests > Select a Legal Service Request from the list. Please note the screen defaults to show 'Pending' requests, but can be changed via the 'Status' filter at the top of the screen.
To approve a Legal Service Request, click on the 'CREATE MATTER' button on the top right of the screen.
On the next screen you enter the relevant details you asked for to create a matter.
Please note:
These entry fields on the right pane of your screen is a scrollable screen., meaning once you move your mouse in this area, you can scroll down to view all matter fields required to create a matter.
Once all fields are completed, click on the CREATE MATTER button at the bottom of the screen.
Once clicked, this screen will appear where you can leave comments for the requester, which will be included in the automated email the requestor will receive once the matter has been fully created.
The last and final screen will show the Legal Service Request has been closed, and a link to view the matter you have just created:
What happens when a Legal Service Request is Approved?
When an admin approves a Legal Service Request, an email notification is sent to the request to let them know it's been approved and a matter has been created in Brightflag. Below is a sample of that email notification:
How to change/customize Legal Service Requests.
As an Admin you have the functionality to customize, change & update how the legal service request form is displayed by navigating to Menu > Admin Settings > Legal Request Settings
In the Legal Request Settings page, you can change the following:
Form Setup
Here you can select the fields required for submission by changing the toggle on or off. This setting still makes the field visible in the form but adds or removes the requirement for the field to be completed for submission.
You can also add new fields for Text, Number, Dropdown options, and Phone Number.
Request Types
You can create a list of request types tailored to your needs, such as a department.
Form Access
- Here you can edit the list whitelist of allowed email domains that can access the Legal Service form. Users must verify their email before accessing the form.
- Once users verify their email address, they can access this form once every 30 days before being required to verify their email again. You can change this by editing the Registration Expiry days.
- Form Access: This contains the link to the legal request form to be shared with users.
Company Logo
You can upload the company logo here, which will be displayed on the Legal Service Request form.
Notifications: Request Submitted
When users submit a Legal Service Request, they automatically receive an email notification containing the LSR number. Example below:
Notifications: Request Rejected
When a Client Admin rejects a Legal Service Request, the below email is an example of what the requestor will reject.
Important to note: The rejection reason entered by the admin/reviewer will appear in the email to the requestor, as shown in the example below.
Notifications: Request Approved
Once a Legal Service Request has been approved, the requestor will receive this automated email, including any notes/comments the approver included when creating the matter. Example email below: