FAQ: Capped Fees enforcement on LEDES invoices FAQ: Capped Fees enforcement on LEDES invoices

FAQ: Capped Fees enforcement on LEDES invoices

FAQ: Capped Fees Enforcement on LEDES Invoices

This guide is specifically created for LEDES invoices. For assistance with transitioning to LEDES submissions, contact your Customer Success Manager.

Q: How is the feature activated?

A: Work with your CSM to enable this functionality for your account.

Q: Can I come up with any kind of billing description?

A: Yes, but the Billing Description must link back to a specific task code. Vendors must use an exact match of the billing descriptions in submitted LEDES files for this functionality to work. We recommend concise descriptions. Vendors can add additional narrative after the billing description, but the initial text must be an exact match.

Q: Is an exact description required?

A: Yes, the LINE_ITEM_DESCRIPTION on the LEDES file should match the billing description on the rate card exactly. Additional narrative text can be added after the exact billing description is included.

Q: Are the codes themselves checked at all?

A: Yes, exact matches to LINE_ITEM_TASK_CODE are required. Both the LINE_ITEM_TASK_CODE and the LINE_ITEM_DESCRIPTION must match for the check to be performed successfully.

Q: Could we check for the exact description as part of a longer description (or does the field have to match exactly)?

A: Yes, the exact billing description on the rate card must be included as part of the description in the LINE_ITEM_DESCRIPTION field of the LEDES file. Additional narrative text can follow the exact billing description.

Q: Could we use another field in the 98BI template to house this info, or does it have to be the description field?

A: No. This functionality is currently mapped only to the LINE_ITEM_DESCRIPTION field.

Q: Is there any way to report on the entries?

A: The Invoice Report in the report builder will show when and by how much the fee exceeded the specified cap. The Line Item Report allows you to search for specific lines but does not highlight whether the line was part of the fixed/capped fee checks.