User Roles & Permissions for client users User Roles & Permissions for client users

User Roles & Permissions for client users

This article explains the user roles and permissions for Brightflag Customers (Clients). These roles determine your level of access within Brightflag.

Note: If you are a Vendor (Law Firm) user, please refer to the following guide: Overview of Brightflag Vendor User Roles & Permissions as the roles covered in this guide apply only to client users.

Client User Roles on Brightflag

There are four available client user roles:

Your assigned role determines the information you can access and the actions you can perform in Brightflag.

The most common roles are Ordinary and Overview. If your role needs to be updated, please contact one of your co-workers that hold permissions for Brightflag.

Role Permissions Overview

Note: All user roles can create a Matter in Brightflag for the departments they have access to provided you have the option to allow vendors to create matters enabled on your account.

Overview Users and Admin Users can access all departments and the associated matters and invoices.

Role Permissions Table

Role Matters Access Invoice Access PO Creation/Edit Reports Access Admin Features
Admin All Matters All Invoices Yes (All POs) All Data Full Admin Access
Overview All Matters All Invoices Can Link existing POs (All Matters) All Data No
Department Overview Assigned Department(s) Department Invoices Can Link existing POs (Department Matters) Department Data No
Ordinary Assigned Matters Assigned Matters Can Link existing POs (Assigned Matters) Assigned Data Only No


Ordinary User

  • Access to Matters where you are a participant or internal matter lead. (Finding a Matter)
  • View Invoices for the matters you're assigned to or where you're part of the invoice approval workflow. (Finding an Invoice)
  • PO (Purchase Order) link existing POs and edit permissions for all matters you have access to.
  • Report Builder: View data from the matters and invoices you can access. (Building a Report)

Department Overview User

  • Access the Spend Overview Dashboard with data from the departments you're assigned to. (Spend Overview Dashboard Explained)
  • Access to Matters as a participant or internal matter lead, plus all matters in your assigned departments. (Finding a Matter)
  • PO (Purchase Order) link existing POs and edit permissions for all matters in your department(s).
  • View Invoices in matters within your assigned departments. (Finding an Invoice)
  • Report Builder: View data from matters and invoices in your assigned departments. (Building a Report)

Overview User

Admin User

Note - An email notification message will be sent to all Brightflag Administrator users if a new user is created, or an existing user's role is upgraded to have user management permissions, by another admin user.

Custom Roles

In addition to the four default roles listed above, Brightflag allows custom roles (if enabled). If your role doesn’t match the ones listed, contact your company’s Brightflag admin for clarification or role adjustments.

Requesting Role Changes

Important: Brightflag Support cannot grant user role upgrades without explicit consent from your Admin(s).

If you believe your access level needs to change, please reach out directly to your Brightflag Admin(s).


Additional Information

If you require further clarification or assistance, please reach out to your company's Brightflag Administrator(s).