Definition for the different fields available across the report types in Brightflag:
Report Type | Field Name | Example value | Field Definition |
Accruals | % Allocated | 100 | The allocation % set on the matter |
Accruals | Accrual Amount | 1000 | Estimated amount submitted for Accruals |
Accruals | Accrual Amount (Matter Currency) | 1000 | Estimated amount submitted for Accruals ( Matter Currency) |
Accruals | Accrual Amount (Submission Currency) | 1000 | Estimated amount submitted for Accruals ( submission currency) |
Accruals | Accrual Period | May 1, 2024 | The period that this Accrual submission covers |
Accruals | All Time Spend | 820.44 | All time spent on the matter |
Accruals | Approved By | | The user email of the user who approved the Accrual |
Accruals | Approved Date | May 31, 2020 | The Date the accrual was approved |
Accruals | Comment | Test | Comment left by the approver |
Accruals | Country | Republic of Ireland | The country to which the legal work of the matter relates to. |
Accruals | Customer Currency | USD | The Currency configured as the customer's default |
Accruals | Department | Corporate | The department in your company that has an interest in this matter |
Accruals | Entity | US Entity | The entity in your company that has an interest in this matter |
Accruals | Internal Matter Lead Email | | The email for the matter lead or case manager of a matter |
Accruals | Internal Matter Lead Name | Jones, Tom | The surname and first name of the matter lead |
Accruals | Last Invoice Date (Matter) | May 22, 2024 | The date of the last invoice applied to the matter |
Accruals | Last Invoice Number (Matter) | INV10123 | The invoice number of the last invoice applied to the matter |
Accruals | Last Updated By | | Email of the user that made the update |
Accruals | Last Updated Timestamp | May 22, 2024 | timestamp for the last update |
Accruals | Matter Category | Finance / Tax | The Category applied to the matter |
Accruals | Matter Currency | USD | The currency applied to the matter |
Accruals | Matter ID | BF_M#143984 | The Unique ID for the matter |
Accruals | Matter Name | Project Turtle | The name of the matter. |
Accruals | Matter Ref | BF_REF_409 | The reference applied to the matter |
Accruals | Pending Spend All Time | 100 | All pending spend for the matter |
Accruals | Preferred Counsel | Not Preferred Counsel/Preferred Counsel | The applied status of the vendor on if preferred counsel or not. |
Accruals | Prior Period Unbilled | 2000 | Estimated amount of the unbilled work for the prior period in default currency |
Accruals |
Prior Period Unbilled (Submission Currency) | 2000 | Estimated amount of the unbilled work for the period period in the submission currency |
Accruals | Rejected Spend Current Month | 100 | The sum of all rejected invoices in the current accrual month. |
Accruals | State/Province | New York | The state or province in which the legal work of the matter relates to. |
Accruals | Submission Currency | USD | The currency selected for the Accruals submission |
Accruals | Submitted Before Cutoff | True/False | A status to confirm if the submitter did so before the configured cut-off window |
Accruals | Submitted By | | Email address of the user who submitted the Accrual |
Accruals | Submitted Date | May 1, 2024 | The date on which the submission occurred. |
Accruals | Unbilled Total | 5000 | Sum of prior_periods_estimate and current_period_estimate. |
Accruals | Vendor Name | G&D | A custom name for a vendor. |
Accruals | Vendor Office | New York | The vendor's office confirmed these accruals last. |
Accruals | Vendor Ref | GD01 | The reference number for this vendor. |
allMatters | % Allocated | 100 | The allocation % set on the matter |
allMatters | AP Routes | Europe | The accounts payable route defines the actions that can occur when and after you click approve or reject. |
allMatters | Allocations | Cost center 1, Cost center 2 | List of allocations applied and their amounts |
allMatters | Average Blended Rate | 500 | The average blended rate of timekeepers on invoices in this matter. |
allMatters | Budget in Customer Currency | 50000 | Currency set on the customer's setup |
allMatters | Close Date | Apr 18, 2024 | The date on which the matter is closed |
allMatters | Budget in Matter Currency | 50000 | Currency of the budget set on the matter |
allMatters | Country | Republic of Ireland | The country to which the legal work of the matter relates to. |
allMatters | Created Date | Apr 18, 2024 | The date in which the matter is created |
allMatters | Customer Matter ID | BF_M#57686 | The unique ID for the matter |
allMatters | Department | HR | The department assigned to the matter |
allMatters | Duration In Days | 1182 | A count of days that the matter has been open |
allMatters | Entity | US Entity | The entity in your company that has an interest in this matter |
allMatters | Firm Matter Ref | 1233abcd | The reference the firm uses on its system |
allMatters | First Invoice Date | Feb 3, 2020 | Date of the invoice invoice on the matter |
allMatters | Internal Matter Lead Email | | The email for the matter lead or case manager of a matter |
allMatters | Internal Matter Lead Name | Jones, Tom | The surname and first name of the matter lead |
allMatters | Last Invoice Date | May 17, 2023 | Date of the last invoice submitted |
allMatters | Latest Matter Note | test | Note applied to the matter |
allMatters | Latest Matter Note Created By | | The user who left the note on the matter |
allMatters | Latest Matter Note Created Date | Apr 26, 2024 | The date on which the note was left on the matter |
allMatters | Lead Outside Counsel Email | | The email of the Lead outside counsel on the matter |
allMatters | Lead Outside Counsel Name | Jones, Tom | Surname and first name of the Lead outside counsel on the matter |
allMatters | Matter | HR issues 2024 | The name applied to the matter |
allMatters | Matter Category | Finance / Tax | The Category applied to the matter |
allMatters | Matter Change Timestamp | Jun 6, 2024 | The timestamp for when a logged change was last made to the matter. |
allMatters | Matter Currency | USD | The currency applied to the matter. |
allMatters | Matter Current Exposure % | 0.5 | The decimal value of the current exposure |
allMatters | Matter Group | IP Matters | The matter group assigned to this matter. |
allMatters | Matter ID | BF_M#63338 | The Unique ID for the matter |
allMatters | Matter Ref | BF_REF_411 | The reference applied to the matter |
allMatters | Matter Start Date | Jun 1, 2020 | The date the matter was started |
allMatters | Matter Status | Open/Closed | This is the status to show if the matter is open or closed. |
allMatters | Matter Template | Litigation | The matter template was chosen. |
allMatters | Net Fees (all time) | 214.59 | The net fee all time for the matter |
allMatters | No. Of Invoice | 2 | Number of invoices posted to the matter |
allMatters | No. Of Timekeepers | 1 | Number of timekeepers involved in the matter. |
allMatters | No. of Days since Last Invoice Uploaded | 4 | Count of days since the last invoice posted to matter |
allMatters | Number of Days Since Matter Opening | 100 | The count of the days since the matter was opened |
allMatters | Preferred Counsel | Not Preferred Counsel/Preferred Counsel | The applied status of the vendor on if preferred counsel or not. |
allMatters | State/Province | New South Wales | State/Province assigned to the matter |
allMatters | Total Expenses (all time) | 0 | Total expense on the matter for all time |
allMatters | Total Spend | 100 | Total spend on the matter all time |
allMatters | Vendor(s) | Firm 1 | Name of the firm/s on the matter |
invoice | % Allocated | 100 | The allocation % set on the matter |
invoice | AP Route | EU invoices | The AP route applied based on the matter configuration |
invoice | Adjusted Total | 1200 | The invoice total after adjustments |
invoice | All Approvers |, | The list of emails of the approvers of the invoice |
invoice | Allocated Total | 1,684.45 | The amount allocated on the invoice should match the invoice total, as allocating 100% is mandatory |
invoice | Approved Date | Apr 12, 2024 | The date the invoice received final approval. |
invoice | Approver Comments | Recharge to Entity ABC (CA) | Shows the comment and the initials of the commenter |
invoice | Auto-Processed | True/False | The status of whether the invoice was rejected by automation is configured. |
invoice | Billing Period End Date | Dec 20, 2020 | The end of the billing period |
invoice | Billing Period Start Date | Dec 20, 2020 | The start of the billing period |
invoice | Country | Republic of Ireland | The country in which the legal work of the matter relates to. |
Invoice | Current Approvers |, | List of approvers' email on the current stage |
invoice | Current Review Stage | 1 | The current stage number |
invoice | Current Reviewers |, | List of the approver's emails on the current stage |
invoice | Custom Vendor Office Name | Dublin | The office name set for the vendor |
invoice | Customer Currency | USD | Currency set on the customer's solution |
invoice | Customer Matter ID | BF_M#57687 | The unique ID for the matter |
invoice | Days Since Submission | 92 | The days since the last invoice submission |
invoice | Days Taken To Submit Revised Invoice | NA / 1 ( Number) | This shows the count of days taken to resubmit an invoice, if there is no resubmission, it will show NA |
invoice | Department | HR | The department assigned to the matter |
invoice | Department Head | | The head of the department applied to the matter where the invoice was posted |
invoice | Discount | 0 | Discount applied to the invoice |
invoice | Draft Status | Original/Revised Draft on _________ | The status on if the invoice is an original or a resubmission |
invoice | Entity | US Entity | The entity in your company that has an interest in this matter |
invoice | Exchange Rate (Invoice Currency/Report Currency) | 1 | The exchange rate used to convert report currency |
invoice | Expenses | 1000 | Expenses applied to the invoice |
invoice | Expenses (exposure %) | 1000 | If you use exposure %, this would adjust based on the % applied |
invoice | Firm ID | 304 | Unique ID for the firm on Brigthflag |
invoice | Fixed Fees | 214.53 | Fixed fee amount on invoice |
invoice | Gross Less Tax | 214.53 | The gross total of the invoice minus tax |
invoice | Gross Total | 214.53 | The invoice gross total |
invoice | Gross Total (Invoice Currency) | 200 | The invoice gross total in the invoice currency |
invoice | Gross Total (exposure %) | 214.53 | The amount of invoice based on exposure % |
invoice | Gross Total in Customer Currency | 214.53 | The invoice gross total in the customer's currency |
invoice | Has Flags | Flags/No Flags | The status of flags on the invoice |
invoice | Internal Matter Lead Email | | The email for the matter lead or case manager of a matter |
invoice | Internal Matter Lead Name | Jones, Tom | The surname and first name of the matter lead |
invoice | Invoice | 2127952 | Unique ID for the invoice on Brightflag |
invoice | Invoice Currency | EUR | The currency applied to the invoice |
invoice | Invoice Date | Jan 1, 2023 | The date of the invoice |
invoice | Invoice Exposure % | 100 | The % of invoices that is exposed |
invoice | Invoice Group ID | 1255343 | Unique ID for the invoice on Brightflag |
invoice | Invoice Level Adjustment | 220 | High-level adjustments applied against the overall invoice |
invoice | Invoice Number | A123456 | The invoice number applied to the invoice |
invoice | Invoice Received Date | Jan 19, 2023 | The date in which the invoice was submitted to Brightflag |
invoice | LEDES Fee Adjustments | 1 | Adjustments applied to the LEDES invoice |
invoice | Lead Outside Counsel Email | | The email of the Lead outside counsel on the matter |
invoice | Lead Outside Counsel Name | Jones, Tom | Surname and first name of the Lead outside counsel on the matter |
invoice | Matter | HR issues 2025 | The name applied to the matter |
invoice | Matter Category | Finance / Tax | The Category applied to the matter |
invoice | Matter Group | IP Matters | The matter group assigned to this matter. |
invoice | Matter Ref | BF_REF_412 | The reference applied to the matter |
invoice | Matter Start Date | Jun 1, 2020 | The date the matter was started |
invoice | Net Fees | 1,512.36 | Net fees on the invoice |
invoice | Net Fees (exposure %) | 1,512.36 | The amount exposed on the invoice (depends on if you use the exposure function) |
invoice | Original Invoice ID | 602228 | The unique ID for the invoice on Brightflag |
invoice | Original Invoice Savings Requested | 122 | Adjustments applied to the previous rejected draft |
invoice | Paid Date | May 13, 2023 | The date where the AP system has returned a paid status ( Requires Integration with Brightflag) |
invoice | Preferred Counsel | Not Preferred Counsel/Preferred Counsel | The applied status of the vendor on whether they are preferred counsel or not. |
invoice | Purchase Order Number | 1313 | The Purchase order applied to the matter |
invoice | Rejected Date | Apr 27, 2023 | The date the invoice was rejected |
invoice | Rejection Reason | Test Reject: block billing | The message applied to go with the rejection |
invoice | Report Currency | USD | The currency the report is run |
invoice | Revised Draft Savings | 100 | The savings between the totals of the drafts |
invoice | Savings Achieved | 200 | Discount applied to the invoice |
invoice | State/Province | Alberta | The State/Province applied to the matter |
invoice | Status | Approved | The invoice status |
invoice | Status Change Timestamp | Jul 9, 2024 | The timestamp as the invoice moved from the last status |
invoice | Tax | 42.06 | The Tax applied to the invoice |
invoice | Tax (exposure %) | 42.06 | If 100% exposure would be the same as the Tax field |
invoice | Total Savings Identified | 200 | Total savings overall invoice drafts |
invoice | Vendor | G&D | A custom name for a vendor. |
invoice | Vendor Ref | GD03 | The reference number for this vendor. |
ineItem | Activity Code | A1116 Fixed Fee | The activity code as categorized by Brightflag |
ineItem | Adjusted Line Amount | 515 | The amount charged for this line item after adjustments. |
ineItem | Adjusted Line Quantity | 6.3 | Number of hours or time units for this line after adjustments. |
ineItem | Adjusted Line Unit Cost | 165 | The rate charged for this line item after adjustments. |
lineItem | Billing End Date | 2020-10-08 | Set by law firm/client during upload of the invoice |
lineItem | Billing Start Date | 2020-10-08 | Set by law firm/client during upload of the invoice |
lineItem | Brightflag Firm ID | 304 | Unique ID for the firm on Brigthflag |
lineItem | Brightflag Invoice ID | 602228 | The unique ID for the invoice on Brightflag |
lineItem | Brightflag Matter ID | 59621 | A unique identifier for a matter automatically set by Brightflag. It can't be changed. |
lineItem | Timekeeper ID | AV12333 | The unique ID for the timekeeper requested by the firm and approved by the customer |
lineItem | Country | Republic of Ireland | The country in which the legal work of the matter relates to. |
lineItem | Custom Vendor Office Name | Dublin EUR | The office name the customer has applied |
lineItem | Customer Matter ID | BF_M#57688 | The unique ID for the matter |
lineItem | Department | HR | The department assigned to the matter |
lineItem | Expense Code | E124 | The expense code categorized by Brightflag |
lineItem | Internal Matter Lead Email | | The email for the matter lead or case manager of a matter |
lineItem | Invoice Adjusted Total | 1000 | The invoice total after adjustments are applied |
lineItem | Invoice Approved Date | Jul 5, 2024 | The date the invoice was approved |
lineItem | Invoice Currency | EUR | The currency applied to the invoice |
lineItem | Invoice Date | Jan 2, 2023 | The date of the invoice |
lineItem | Invoice Discount | 38.24 | Discount applied to the invoice |
lineItem | Invoice Fees | 254.92 | The fees applied to the invoice |
lineItem | Invoice Gross Total | 258.74 | The gross total of the invoice |
lineItem | Invoice Level Adjustment | 220 | High-level adjustments applied against the overall invoice |
lineItem | Invoice Number | A123457 | The invoice number applied to the invoice |
lineItem | Invoice Rejected Date | Jul 19, 2024 | The date the invoice was rejected |
lineItem | Invoice Status | The status of the invoice | The status of the invoice |
lineItem | Invoice Tax | 42.06 | Tax on the invoice |
lineItem | Invoice Total Expenses | 359.45 | The total expenses on the invoice |
lineItem | Lead Outside Counsel Email | | The email for the matter lead or case manager of a matter |
lineItem | Lead Outside Counsel Name | Jones, Tom | The surname and first name of the matter lead |
lineItem | Line Adjustment Comments | No Adjustment Comments, No Flags | This shows the comments or flags or says none if there aren't any |
lineItem | Line Amount | 1000 | The amount/cost of the line |
lineItem | Line Amount Reduced | 0 | The amount /cost that has been adjusted |
lineItem | Line Date | Mar 31, 2024 | The date on which the line occurred |
lineItem | Line Description | Pro Services June 2024 | The description from the vendor applied to the line |
lineItem | Line ID | 1000445 | The ID applied to the line |
lineItem | Line Number | 100000 | The line number for the narrative line |
lineItem | Line Quantity | 1.36 | The quantity amount applied to the line, which is * by the rate |
lineItem | Line Type | Fee/Expenses/Discount | Indicates how the line was classed |
lineItem | Line Unit Cost | 495 | The unit cost is applied to the line |
lineItem | Matter | HR issues 2026 | The name applied to the matter |
lineItem | Matter Category | Finance / Tax | The Category applied to the matter |
lineItem | Matter Ref | BF_REF_413 | The reference applied to the matter |
lineItem | Matter Template | Litigation | The matter template was chosen. |
lineItem | Preferred Counsel | Not Preferred Counsel/Preferred Counsel | The applied status of the vendor on whether they are preferred counsel or not. |
lineItem | Purchase Order Number | 1313 | The Purchase order applied to the matter |
lineItem | Role | Partner | The role of the timekeeper |
lineItem | State/Province | Alberta | The State/Province applied to the matter |
lineItem | Task Code | L120 | The task code, as categorised by Brightflag |
lineItem | Timekeeper | Jone, Tom | The Timekeeper names |
lineItem | Vendor | G&D | A custom name for a vendor. |
lineItem | Vendor Expense Code | E122 | Expense code applied by the vendor (LEDES invoice format only) |
lineItem | Vendor Name | G&D | A custom name for a vendor. |
lineItem | Vendor Ref | GD04 | The reference number for this vendor. |
lineItem | Vendor Task Code | P400 | Task code applied by the vendor (LEDES invoice format only) |
lineItem | Years of Experience | 2 | The years of experience the timekeeper has in the role |
matter spend | % Allocated | 100 | The allocation % set on the matter |
matter spend | AP Route | EU invoices | The AP route applied based on the matter configuration |
matter spend | Allocations | Cost center 1, Cost center 2 | List of allocations applied and their amounts |
matter spend | Blended Rate | 500 | The blended rate of timekeepers on invoices in this matter. |
matter spend | Blended Rate In Period | 300 | The blended rate of timekeepers on invoices in this matter is within the date range you have set. |
matter spend | Budget | 100 | Budget applied to the matter |
matter spend | Budget in Customer Currency | 50000 | Currency set on the customer's setup |
matter spend | Budget in Matter Currency | 50000 | Currency of the budget set on the matter |
matter spend | Close Date | Apr 19, 2024 | The date in which the matter is closed |
matter spend | Country | Republic of Ireland | The country in which the legal work of the matter relates to. |
matter spend | Created Date | Apr 19, 2023 | The date in which the matter is created |
matter spend | Customer Matter ID | BF_M#57689 | The unique ID for the matter |
matter spend | Department | HR | The department assigned to the matter |
matter spend | Discount Total | 1000 | The discount total |
matter spend | Duration In Days | 30 | The days the matter is open |
matter spend | Duration In Days In Period | 1 | The days the matter is open within the current period |
matter spend | Entity | US Entity | The entity in your company that has an interest in this matter |
matter spend | Expenses Total | 1000 | The expense total for the invoices in the defined period |
matter spend | Firm Matter Ref | 1234abd | |
matter spend | First Invoice Date | Feb 25, 2008 | The date the invoice invoice was received |
matter spend | Gross Total | 214.53 | The Gross total for invoices in the defined period |
matter spend | Gross Total (exposure %) | 214.53 | Gross total amount based on % exposure |
matter spend | Internal Matter Lead Email | | The email for the matter lead or case manager of a matter |
matter spend | Internal Matter Lead Name | Jones, Tom | The surname and first name of the matter lead |
matter spend | Last Invoice Date | May 18, 2023 | Date of the last invoice submitted |
matter spend | Latest Matter Note | test | Note applied to the matter |
matter spend | Latest Matter Note Created By | | The user who left the note on the matter |
matter spend | Latest Matter Note Created Date | Apr 26, 2024 | The date on which the note was left on the matter |
matter spend | Lead Outside Counsel Email | | The email for the matter lead or case manager of a matter |
matter spend | Lead Outside Counsel Name | Jones, Tom | The surname and first name of the matter lead |
matter spend | Matter | HR issues 2027 | The name applied to the matter |
matter spend | Matter Category | Finance / Tax | The Category applied to the matter |
matter spend | Matter Change Timestamp | Jul 15, 2024 | The date the last change occurred on the matter |
matter spend | Matter Currency | USD | The currency applied to the matter. |
matter spend | Matter Current Exposure % | 0.5 | The decimal value of the current exposure |
matter spend | Matter Group | IP Matters | The matter group assigned to this matter. |
matter spend | Matter ID | BF_M#63338 | The Unique ID for the matter |
matter spend | Matter Ref | BF_REF_414 | The reference applied to the matter |
matter spend | Matter Start Date | Jun 1, 2020 | The date the matter was started |
matter spend | Matter Status | Open/Closed | This is the status to show if the matter is open or closed. |
matter spend | Matter Template | Litigation | The matter template was chosen. |
matter spend | Net Fees (all time) | 214.59 | The net fee all time for the matter |
matter spend | Net Fees (in period) | 214.59 | The net fee for the search period |
matter spend | Net Fees In period (exposure %) | 214.59 | The amount of exposure based on % for new fees |
matter spend | Net Fees Total (exposure %) | 214.59 | The amount of exposure based on % for new fees |
matter spend | No. Of Invoice | 2 | Number of invoices posted to the matter |
matter spend | No. Of Invoice In Period | 2 | Number of invoices posted to matter in period |
matter spend | No. Of Timekeepers | 1 | Number of timekeepers involved in the matter. |
matter spend | No. Of Timekeepers In Period | 1 | Number of timekeepers involved in a matter in a period |
matter spend | No. of Days since Last Invoice Uploaded | 100 | The count of days since the last invoice was uploaded to the matter |
matter spend | Number of Days Since Matter Opening | 100 | The count of the days since the matter was opened |
matter spend | Preferred Counsel | Not Preferred Counsel/Preferred Counsel | The applied status of the vendor on if preferred counsel or not. |
matter spend | State/Province | Alberta | The State/Province applied to the matter |
matter spend | Tax Total | 1000 | Tax total applied to the matter |
matter spend | Total Expenses (all time) | 0 | Total expense on the matter for all time |
matter spend | Total Expenses (exposure %) | 1,101.62 | The total amount based on the exposure % applied to the matter |
matter spend | Total Spend | 100 | Total spend on the matter all time |
matter spend | Total Spend in Period | 100 | Total spend on the matter for the selected period |
matter spend | Total Tax (exposure %) | 1001 | The total amount exposed based on the % applied to the matter |
matter spend | Vendor(s) | Firm1, Firm2 | The firms associated with the matter |
timekeeper | Brightflag Matter ID | 59621 | A unique identifier for a matter automatically set by Brightflag. It can't be changed. |
timekeeper | Country | Republic of Ireland | The country in which the legal work of the matter relates to. |
timekeeper | Customer Matter ID | BF_M#57690 | The unique ID for the matter |
timekeeper | Department | HR | The department assigned to the matter |
timekeeper | Hours Worked | 90.9 | The Sum of the hours worked by a specific timekeeper |
timekeeper | Matter Category | Finance / Tax | The Category applied to the matter |
timekeeper | Matter Close Date | Sep 27, 2023 | The date the matter was closed |
timekeeper | Matter Name | Project Turtle | The name of the matter. |
timekeeper | Matter Open Date | Jun 1, 2023 | The date the matter was opened |
timekeeper | No. of Timekeepers | 15 | The count of timekeepers |
timekeeper | Preferred Counsel | Not Preferred Counsel/Preferred Counsel | The applied status of the vendor on whether they are preferred counsel or not. |
timekeeper | Rate | 1000 | The per-hour rate for the timekeeper |
timekeeper | Role | Partner | The role of the timekeeper |
timekeeper | State/Province | Alberta | The State/Province applied to the matter |
timekeeper | Timekeeper | Jone, Tom | The name of the timekeeper |
timekeeper | Timekeeper ID | AV12333 | The unique ID for the timekeeper requested by the firm and approved by the customer |
timekeeper | Total Spend | 1000 | Total spend against a timekeeper |
timekeeper | Vendor | G&D | A custom name for a vendor. |
timekeeper | Vendor Ref | GD05 | The reference number for this vendor. |
timekeeper | Years of Experience | 2 | The years of experience the timekeeper has in the role |