Reporting Fields Glossary

Definition for the different fields available across the report types in Brightflag:

Report Type Field Name Example value Field Definition
Accruals  % Allocated 100 The allocation % set on the matter
Accruals  Accrual Amount 1000 Estimated amount submitted for Accruals
Accruals  Accrual Amount (Matter Currency) 1000 Estimated amount submitted for Accruals ( Matter Currency)
Accruals  Accrual Amount (Submission Currency) 1000 Estimated amount submitted for Accruals ( submission currency)
Accruals  Accrual Period May 1, 2024 The period that this Accrual submission covers
Accruals  All Time Spend 820.44 All time spent on the matter
Accruals  Approved By The user email of the user who approved the Accrual
Accruals  Approved Date May 31, 2020 The Date the accrual was approved
Accruals  Comment Test Comment left by the approver
Accruals  Country Republic of Ireland The country to which the legal work of the matter relates to.
Accruals  Customer Currency USD The Currency configured as the customer's default
Accruals  Department Corporate The department in your company that has an interest in this matter
Accruals  Entity US Entity The entity in your company that has an interest in this matter
Accruals  Internal Matter Lead Email The email for the matter lead or case manager of a matter
Accruals  Internal Matter Lead Name Jones, Tom The surname and first name of the matter lead
Accruals  Last Invoice Date (Matter) May 22, 2024 The date of the last invoice applied to the matter
Accruals  Last Invoice Number (Matter) INV10123 The invoice number of the last invoice applied to the matter
Accruals  Last Updated By Email of the user that made the update
Accruals  Last Updated Timestamp May 22, 2024 timestamp for the last update
Accruals  Matter Category Finance / Tax The Category applied to the matter
Accruals  Matter Currency USD The currency applied to the matter
Accruals  Matter ID BF_M#143984 The Unique ID for the matter
Accruals  Matter Name Project Turtle The name of the matter.
Accruals  Matter Ref BF_REF_409 The reference applied to the matter
Accruals  Pending Spend All Time 100 All pending spend for the matter
Accruals  Preferred Counsel Not Preferred Counsel/Preferred Counsel The applied status of the vendor on if preferred counsel or not.
Accruals  Prior Period Unbilled 2000 Estimated amount of the unbilled work for the prior period in default currency


Prior Period Unbilled (Submission Currency) 2000 Estimated amount of the unbilled work for the period period in the submission currency
Accruals  Rejected Spend Current Month 100 Reports on the adjusted gross total of the rejected invoices
Accruals  State/Province New York The state or province in which the legal work of the matter relates to.
Accruals  Submission Currency USD The currency selected for the Accruals submission
Accruals  Submitted Before Cutoff True/False A status to confirm if the submitter did so before the configured cut-off window
Accruals  Submitted By Email address of the user who submitted the Accrual
Accruals  Submitted Date May 1, 2024 The date on which the submission occurred.
Accruals  Unbilled Total 5000 Sum of prior_periods_estimate and current_period_estimate.
Accruals  Vendor Name G&D A custom name for a vendor.
Accruals  Vendor Office New York The vendor's office confirmed these accruals last.
Accruals  Vendor Ref GD01 The reference number for this vendor.
allMatters % Allocated 100 The allocation % set on the matter
allMatters AP Routes Europe The accounts payable route defines the actions that can occur when and after you click approve or reject.
allMatters Allocations Cost center 1, Cost center 2 List of allocations applied and their amounts
allMatters Average Blended Rate 500 The average blended rate of timekeepers on invoices in this matter.
allMatters Budget in Customer Currency 50000 Currency set on the customer's setup
allMatters Close Date Apr 18, 2024 The date on which the matter is closed
allMatters Budget in Matter Currency 50000 Currency of the budget set on the matter
allMatters Country Republic of Ireland The country to which the legal work of the matter relates to.
allMatters Created Date Apr 18, 2024 The date in which the matter is created
allMatters Customer Matter ID BF_M#57686 The unique ID for the matter
allMatters Department HR The department assigned to the matter
allMatters Duration In Days 1182 A count of days that the matter has been open
allMatters Entity US Entity The entity in your company that has an interest in this matter
allMatters Firm Matter Ref 1233abcd The reference the firm uses on its system
allMatters First Invoice Date Feb 3, 2020 Date of the invoice invoice on the matter
allMatters Internal Matter Lead Email The email for the matter lead or case manager of a matter
allMatters Internal Matter Lead Name Jones, Tom The surname and first name of the matter lead
allMatters Last Invoice Date May 17, 2023 Date of the last invoice submitted
allMatters Latest Matter Note test Note applied to the matter
allMatters Latest Matter Note Created By The user who left the note on the matter
allMatters Latest Matter Note Created Date Apr 26, 2024 The date on which the note was left on the matter
allMatters Lead Outside Counsel Email The email of the Lead outside counsel on the matter
allMatters Lead Outside Counsel Name Jones, Tom Surname and first name of the Lead outside counsel on the matter
allMatters Matter HR issues 2024 The name applied to the matter
allMatters Matter Category Finance / Tax The Category applied to the matter
allMatters Matter Change Timestamp Jun 6, 2024 The timestamp for when a logged change was last made to the matter.
allMatters Matter Currency USD The currency applied to the matter.
allMatters Matter Current Exposure % 0.5 The decimal value of the current exposure
allMatters Matter Group IP Matters The matter group assigned to this matter.
allMatters Matter ID BF_M#63338 The Unique ID for the matter
allMatters Matter Ref BF_REF_411 The reference applied to the matter
allMatters Matter Start Date Jun 1, 2020 The date the matter was started
allMatters Matter Status Open/Closed This is the status to show if the matter is open or closed.
allMatters Matter Template Litigation The matter template was chosen.
allMatters Net Fees (all time) 214.59 The net fee all time for the matter
allMatters No. Of Invoice 2 Number of invoices posted to the matter
allMatters No. Of Timekeepers 1 Number of timekeepers involved in the matter.
allMatters No. of Days since Last Invoice Uploaded 4 Count of days since the last invoice posted to matter
allMatters Number of Days Since Matter Opening 100 The count of the days since the matter was opened
allMatters Preferred Counsel Not Preferred Counsel/Preferred Counsel The applied status of the vendor on if preferred counsel or not.
allMatters State/Province New South Wales State/Province assigned to the matter
allMatters Total Expenses (all time) 0 Total expense on the matter for all time
allMatters Total Spend 100 Total spend on the matter all time
allMatters Vendor(s) Firm 1 Name of the firm/s on the matter
invoice % Allocated 100 The allocation % set on the matter
invoice AP Route EU invoices The AP route applied based on the matter configuration
invoice Adjusted Total 1200 The invoice total after adjustments
invoice All Approvers, The list of emails of the approvers of the invoice
invoice Allocated Total 1,684.45 The amount allocated on the invoice should match the invoice total, as allocating 100% is mandatory
invoice Approved Date Apr 12, 2024 The date the invoice received final approval.
invoice Approver Comments Recharge to Entity ABC (CA) Shows the comment and the initials of the commenter
invoice Auto-Processed True/False The status of whether the invoice was rejected by automation is configured.
invoice Billing Period End Date Dec 20, 2020 The end of the billing period
invoice Billing Period Start Date Dec 20, 2020 The start of the billing period
invoice Country Republic of Ireland The country in which the legal work of the matter relates to.
Invoice Current Approvers, List of approvers' email on the current stage
invoice Current Review Stage 1 The current stage number
invoice Current Reviewers, List of the approver's emails on the current stage
invoice Custom Vendor Office Name Dublin The office name set for the vendor
invoice Customer Currency USD Currency set on the customer's solution
invoice Customer Matter ID BF_M#57687 The unique ID for the matter
invoice Days Since Submission 92 The days since the last invoice submission
invoice Days Taken To Submit Revised Invoice NA / 1 ( Number) This shows the count of days taken to resubmit an invoice, if there is no resubmission, it will show NA
invoice Department HR The department assigned to the matter
invoice Department Head The head of the department applied to the matter where the invoice was posted
invoice Discount 0 Discount applied to the invoice
invoice Draft Status Original/Revised Draft on _________ The status on if the invoice is an original or a resubmission
invoice Entity US Entity The entity in your company that has an interest in this matter
invoice Exchange Rate (Invoice Currency/Report Currency) 1 The exchange rate used to convert report currency
invoice Expenses 1000 Expenses applied to the invoice
invoice Expenses (exposure %) 1000 If you use exposure %, this would adjust based on the % applied
invoice Firm ID 304 Unique ID for the firm on Brigthflag
invoice Fixed Fees 214.53 Fixed fee amount on invoice
invoice Gross Less Tax 214.53 The gross total of the invoice minus tax
invoice Gross Total 214.53 The invoice gross total
invoice Gross Total (Invoice  Currency) 200 The invoice gross total in the invoice currency
invoice Gross Total (exposure %) 214.53 The amount of invoice based on exposure %
invoice Gross Total in Customer Currency 214.53 The invoice gross total in the customer's currency
invoice Has Flags Flags/No Flags The status of flags on the invoice
invoice Internal Matter Lead Email The email for the matter lead or case manager of a matter
invoice Internal Matter Lead Name Jones, Tom The surname and first name of the matter lead
invoice Invoice 2127952 Unique ID for the invoice on Brightflag
invoice Invoice Currency EUR The currency applied to the invoice
invoice Invoice Date Jan 1, 2023 The date of the invoice
invoice Invoice Exposure % 100 The % of invoices that is exposed
invoice Invoice Group ID 1255343 Unique ID for the invoice on Brightflag
invoice Invoice Level Adjustment 220 High-level adjustments applied against the overall invoice
invoice Invoice Number A123456 The invoice number applied to the invoice
invoice Invoice Received Date Jan 19, 2023 The date in which the invoice was submitted to Brightflag
invoice LEDES Fee Adjustments 1 Adjustments applied to the LEDES invoice
invoice Lead Outside Counsel Email The email of the Lead outside counsel on the matter
invoice Lead Outside Counsel Name Jones, Tom Surname and first name of the Lead outside counsel on the matter
invoice Matter HR issues 2025 The name applied to the matter
invoice Matter Category Finance / Tax The Category applied to the matter
invoice Matter Group IP Matters The matter group assigned to this matter.
invoice Matter Ref BF_REF_412 The reference applied to the matter
invoice Matter Start Date Jun 1, 2020 The date the matter was started
invoice Net Fees 1,512.36 Net fees on the invoice
invoice Net Fees (exposure %) 1,512.36 The amount exposed on the invoice (depends on if you use the exposure function)
invoice Original Invoice ID 602228 The unique ID for the invoice on Brightflag
invoice Original Invoice Savings Requested 122 Adjustments applied to the previous rejected draft
invoice Paid Date May 13, 2023 The date where the AP system has returned a paid status ( Requires Integration with Brightflag)
invoice Preferred Counsel Not Preferred Counsel/Preferred Counsel The applied status of the vendor on whether they are preferred counsel or not.
invoice Purchase Order Number 1313 The Purchase order applied to the matter
invoice Rejected Date Apr 27, 2023 The date the invoice was rejected
invoice Rejection Reason Test Reject: block billing The message applied to go with the rejection
invoice Report Currency USD The currency the report is run
invoice Revised Draft Savings 100 The savings between the totals of the drafts
invoice Savings Achieved 200 Discount applied to the invoice
invoice State/Province Alberta The State/Province applied to the matter
invoice Status Approved The invoice status
invoice Status Change Timestamp Jul 9, 2024 The timestamp as the invoice moved from the last status
invoice Tax 42.06 The Tax applied to the invoice
invoice Tax (exposure %) 42.06 If 100% exposure would be the same as the Tax field
invoice Total Savings Identified 200 Total savings overall invoice drafts
invoice Vendor G&D A custom name for a vendor.
invoice Vendor Ref GD03 The reference number for this vendor.
ineItem Activity Code A1116 Fixed Fee The activity code as categorized by Brightflag
ineItem Adjusted Line Amount 515 The amount charged for this line item after adjustments.
ineItem Adjusted Line Quantity 6.3 Number of hours or time units for this line after adjustments.
ineItem Adjusted Line Unit Cost 165 The rate charged for this line item after adjustments.
lineItem Billing End Date 2020-10-08 Set by law firm/client during upload of the invoice
lineItem Billing Start Date 2020-10-08 Set by law firm/client during upload of the invoice
lineItem Brightflag Firm ID 304 Unique ID for the firm on Brigthflag
lineItem Brightflag Invoice ID 602228 The unique ID for the invoice on Brightflag
lineItem Brightflag Matter ID 59621 A unique identifier for a matter automatically set by Brightflag. It can't be changed.
lineItem Timekeeper ID AV12333 The unique ID for the timekeeper requested by the firm and approved by the customer
lineItem Country Republic of Ireland The country in which the legal work of the matter relates to.
lineItem Custom Vendor Office Name Dublin EUR The office name the customer has applied
lineItem Customer Matter ID BF_M#57688 The unique ID for the matter
lineItem Department HR The department assigned to the matter
lineItem Expense Code E124 The expense code categorized by Brightflag
lineItem Internal Matter Lead Email The email for the matter lead or case manager of a matter
lineItem Invoice Adjusted Total 1000 The invoice total after adjustments are applied
lineItem Invoice Approved Date Jul 5, 2024 The date the invoice was approved
lineItem Invoice Currency EUR The currency applied to the invoice
lineItem Invoice Date Jan 2, 2023 The date of the invoice
lineItem Invoice Discount 38.24 Discount applied to the invoice
lineItem Invoice Fees 254.92 The fees applied to the invoice
lineItem Invoice Gross Total 258.74 The gross total of the invoice
lineItem Invoice Level Adjustment 220 High-level adjustments applied against the overall invoice
lineItem Invoice Number A123457 The invoice number applied to the invoice
lineItem Invoice Rejected Date Jul 19, 2024 The date the invoice was rejected
lineItem Invoice Status The status of the invoice The status of the invoice
lineItem Invoice Tax 42.06 Tax on the invoice
lineItem Invoice Total Expenses 359.45 The total expenses on the invoice
lineItem Lead Outside Counsel Email The email for the matter lead or case manager of a matter
lineItem Lead Outside Counsel Name Jones, Tom The surname and first name of the matter lead
lineItem Line Adjustment Comments No Adjustment Comments, No Flags This shows the comments or flags or says none if there aren't any
lineItem Line Amount 1000 The amount/cost of the line
lineItem Line Amount Reduced 0 The amount /cost that has been adjusted
lineItem Line Date Mar 31, 2024 The date on which the line occurred
lineItem Line Description Pro Services June 2024 The description from the vendor applied to the line
lineItem Line ID 1000445 The ID applied to the line
lineItem Line Number 100000 The line number for the narrative line
lineItem Line Quantity 1.36 The quantity amount applied to the line, which is * by the rate
lineItem Line Type Fee/Expenses/Discount Indicates how the line was classed
lineItem Line Unit Cost 495 The unit cost is applied to the line
lineItem Matter HR issues 2026 The name applied to the matter
lineItem Matter Category Finance / Tax The Category applied to the matter
lineItem Matter Ref BF_REF_413 The reference applied to the matter
lineItem Matter Template Litigation The matter template was chosen.
lineItem Preferred Counsel Not Preferred Counsel/Preferred Counsel The applied status of the vendor on whether they are preferred counsel or not.
lineItem Purchase Order Number 1313 The Purchase order applied to the matter
lineItem Role Partner The role of the timekeeper
lineItem State/Province Alberta The State/Province applied to the matter
lineItem Task Code L120 The task code, as categorised by Brightflag
lineItem Timekeeper Jone, Tom The Timekeeper names
lineItem Vendor G&D A custom name for a vendor.
lineItem Vendor Expense Code E122 Expense code applied by the vendor (LEDES invoice format only)
lineItem Vendor Name G&D A custom name for a vendor.
lineItem Vendor Ref GD04 The reference number for this vendor.
lineItem Vendor Task Code P400 Task code applied by the vendor (LEDES invoice format only)
lineItem Years of Experience 2 The years of experience the timekeeper has in the role
matter spend % Allocated 100 The allocation % set on the matter
matter spend AP Route EU invoices The AP route applied based on the matter configuration
matter spend Allocations Cost center 1, Cost center 2 List of allocations applied and their amounts
matter spend Blended Rate 500 The blended rate of timekeepers on invoices in this matter.
matter spend Blended Rate In Period 300 The blended rate of timekeepers on invoices in this matter is within the date range you have set.
matter spend Budget 100 Budget applied to the matter
matter spend Budget in Customer Currency 50000 Currency set on the customer's setup
matter spend Budget in Matter Currency 50000 Currency of the budget set on the matter
matter spend Close Date Apr 19, 2024 The date in which the matter is closed
matter spend Country Republic of Ireland The country in which the legal work of the matter relates to.
matter spend Created Date Apr 19, 2023 The date in which the matter is created
matter spend Customer Matter ID BF_M#57689 The unique ID for the matter
matter spend Department HR The department assigned to the matter
matter spend Discount Total 1000 The discount total
matter spend Duration In Days 30 The days the matter is open
matter spend Duration In Days In Period 1 The days the matter is open within the current period
matter spend Entity US Entity The entity in your company that has an interest in this matter
matter spend Expenses Total 1000 The expense total for the invoices in the defined period
matter spend Firm Matter Ref 1234abd  
matter spend First Invoice Date Feb 25, 2008 The date the invoice invoice was received
matter spend Gross Total 214.53 The Gross total for invoices in the defined period
matter spend Gross Total (exposure %) 214.53 Gross total amount based on % exposure
matter spend Internal Matter Lead Email The email for the matter lead or case manager of a matter
matter spend Internal Matter Lead Name Jones, Tom The surname and first name of the matter lead
matter spend Last Invoice Date May 18, 2023 Date of the last invoice submitted
matter spend Latest Matter Note test Note applied to the matter
matter spend Latest Matter Note Created By The user who left the note on the matter
matter spend Latest Matter Note Created Date Apr 26, 2024 The date on which the note was left on the matter
matter spend Lead Outside Counsel Email The email for the matter lead or case manager of a matter
matter spend Lead Outside Counsel Name Jones, Tom The surname and first name of the matter lead
matter spend Matter HR issues 2027 The name applied to the matter
matter spend Matter Category Finance / Tax The Category applied to the matter
matter spend Matter Change Timestamp Jul 15, 2024 The date the last change occurred on the matter
matter spend Matter Currency USD The currency applied to the matter.
matter spend Matter Current Exposure % 0.5 The decimal value of the current exposure
matter spend Matter Group IP Matters The matter group assigned to this matter.
matter spend Matter ID BF_M#63338 The Unique ID for the matter
matter spend Matter Ref BF_REF_414 The reference applied to the matter
matter spend Matter Start Date Jun 1, 2020 The date the matter was started
matter spend Matter Status Open/Closed This is the status to show if the matter is open or closed.
matter spend Matter Template Litigation The matter template was chosen.
matter spend Net Fees (all time) 214.59 The net fee all time for the matter
matter spend Net Fees (in period) 214.59 The net fee for the search period
matter spend Net Fees In period (exposure %) 214.59 The amount of exposure based on % for new fees
matter spend Net Fees Total (exposure %) 214.59 The amount of exposure based on % for new fees
matter spend No. Of Invoice 2 Number of invoices posted to the matter
matter spend No. Of Invoice In Period 2 Number of invoices posted to matter in period
matter spend No. Of Timekeepers 1 Number of timekeepers involved in the matter.
matter spend No. Of Timekeepers In Period 1 Number of timekeepers involved in a matter in a period
matter spend No. of Days since Last Invoice Uploaded 100 The count of days since the last invoice was uploaded to the matter
matter spend Number of Days Since Matter Opening 100 The count of the days since the matter was opened
matter spend Preferred Counsel Not Preferred Counsel/Preferred Counsel The applied status of the vendor on if preferred counsel or not.
matter spend State/Province Alberta The State/Province applied to the matter
matter spend Tax Total 1000 Tax total applied to the matter
matter spend Total Expenses (all time) 0 Total expense on the matter for all time
matter spend Total Expenses (exposure %) 1,101.62 The total amount based on the exposure % applied to the matter
matter spend Total Spend 100 Total spend on the matter all time
matter spend Total Spend in Period 100 Total spend on the matter for the selected period
matter spend Total Tax (exposure %) 1001 The total amount exposed based on the % applied to the matter
matter spend Vendor(s) Firm1, Firm2 The firms associated with the matter
timekeeper Brightflag Matter ID 59621 A unique identifier for a matter automatically set by Brightflag. It can't be changed.
timekeeper Country Republic of Ireland The country in which the legal work of the matter relates to.
timekeeper Customer Matter ID BF_M#57690 The unique ID for the matter
timekeeper Department HR The department assigned to the matter
timekeeper Hours Worked 90.9 The Sum of the hours worked by a specific timekeeper
timekeeper Matter Category Finance / Tax The Category applied to the matter
timekeeper Matter Close Date Sep 27, 2023 The date the matter was closed
timekeeper Matter Name Project Turtle The name of the matter.
timekeeper Matter Open Date Jun 1, 2023 The date the matter was opened
timekeeper No. of Timekeepers 15 The count of timekeepers
timekeeper Preferred Counsel Not Preferred Counsel/Preferred Counsel The applied status of the vendor on whether they are preferred counsel or not.
timekeeper Rate 1000 The per-hour rate for the timekeeper
timekeeper Role Partner The role of the timekeeper
timekeeper State/Province Alberta The State/Province applied to the matter
timekeeper Timekeeper Jone, Tom The name of the timekeeper
timekeeper Timekeeper ID AV12333 The unique ID for the timekeeper requested by the firm and approved by the customer
timekeeper Total Spend 1000 Total spend against a timekeeper
timekeeper Vendor G&D A custom name for a vendor.
timekeeper Vendor Ref GD05 The reference number for this vendor.
timekeeper Years of Experience 2 The years of experience the timekeeper has in the role


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