- Activity Log (Workspace)
- Linking a related (child) workroom to a records (parent) workroom retrospectively
- Publishing updates from a records (parent) workroom to its related (child) workrooms
- Settings: How do I change an Active Workroom to a Records Workroom?
- Settings: How do I give Viewers and Restricted Viewers the ability to bulk download folders and files?
- Settings: How do I add a Logo to a Workroom?
- Settings: How can I download all Records from the Workroom?
- Settings: How do I Rename a Workroom?
- Settings: How do I Archive a Workroom?
- Info: How can I add reference information to a Workroom?
- Activity: What activities generate email notifications from Brightflag Workspace?
- Files (Folders and Documents): How do I sort a Workroom's folder alphabetically?
- Files (Folders and Documents): How do I add files to Workroom Records?
- Files (Folders and Documents): How do I delete a folder from Workroom Records?
- Files (Folders and Documents): How do I move a copy of a file to a new location using the Basket?
- Files (Folders and Documents): How can I recover a file that was deleted?
- Files (Folders and Documents): How do I find and manage unfiled items in Workroom Records?
- Files (Folders and Documents): How can I see all files in a Workroom?
- Files (Folders and Documents): How do I use the Grid View in Records?
- Files (Folders and Documents): I edited a document but the changes didn't save. What can I do?
- Files (Folders and Documents): How can I open a zip file showing an invalid error?
- Files (Folders and Documents): How do I see the folder location of a file?
- Files (Folders and Documents): What file types are supported in Brightflag Workspace?
- Files (Folders and Documents): How do I add a folder or subfolder to Workroom Records?
- Tasks: How do I manage tasks with the Calendar View?
- Tasks: Why don't I see any Tasks in a Workroom?
- Tasks: How can I tell what is shared in Brightflag Workspace?
- Tasks: How do I delete a Task?
- Tasks: How do I assign an owner of a Task?
- Tasks: How do I share Tasks with other Workroom members?