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Brightflag Workspace
User Access & Permissions
User Access & Permissions
How can I customise Workspace user permissions/access on folders?
How can I customise user permissions/access on folders? You can grant cu...
February 04, 2025 19:31
How to Provide Admin access to a user for multiple Workrooms?
As Brightflag Workspace Admin, you may need to give Admin access to user...
February 04, 2025 19:31
How do permissions work in Brightflag Workspace?
You can fine-tune the permissions that apply to any object in Brightflag...
February 04, 2025 19:52
How can I limit who can see or edit a Task or File?
In a Brightflag Workspace Workroom, you may need to limit the ability of...
February 04, 2025 19:31
How can I see who else can see a folder, file or task?
To make sure you aren't sharing inadvertently, you need to see at a glan...
February 04, 2025 19:31
Why are some features and icons grayed out?
When you see an icon that is gray and can't be clicked, that means eithe...
February 04, 2025 19:52
Settings: How do I give Viewers and Restricted Viewers the ability to bulk download folders and files?
Workroom Administrators can provide the ability for Viewers or Restricte...
February 04, 2025 19:42
How do I Invite someone to join a Workroom?
If you are a Workroom Administrator or Editor, you can invite people to ...
February 04, 2025 19:48